TEXIPLUS : Water based ink for textile

Price plus VAT, plus delivery
Delivery weight: 1 kg

New waterbased ink Texiplus - 1 kilo

Application :
Super covering ink for printing on dark coloured fabrics, as well as natural as most of the synthetic fabrics. Also very suitable for transferprinting.
Properties :
  • Very covering, extremely suitable for printing on dark fabrics
  • Very flexible and elastic, despite of its high covering capacity
  • No rubber feeling, but a very soft feeling
  • Extensive colour range
  • Respects the environment
  • Does not contain solvents : 100% water basis
  • Does not contain heavy metals or noxious pigments
  • Does not contain PVC
Cleaning :
We advise to clean with (warm) water and detergent immediately after the impression, eventually on high pressure.
Drying and fixation :
Takes place at 150°C for 3 minutes. When adding 3% hardener HOT nr 3, fixation is not necessary. The washing resistance is optimal after 5 days of drying in open air. The inks has to be used for printing within 24 hours.
Dilution :
  • Max. 10% water
  • Slow reducer OTS 5000
  • Flexible reducer OTS 7000
Mesh :
Screen P34T to P77T
Emulsion :
Waterproof film has to be used.
Colours :
Printed on a black background, the colours come close to the colours of our colour range. Addition of the OTS 150 basis or of the pigment pastes is possible.

Additional product information

Look at the colors available Download

Product variations
10- Purple
Colors: 10- Purple
31.35 € *
15- Purple
Colors: 15- Purple
27.00 € *
20- Dark blue
Colors: 20- Dark blue
21.59 € *
22- Bleu ultra
Colors: 22- Bleu ultra
26.94 € *
Reflex blue
Colors: Reflex blue
31.35 € *
24- Medium blue
Colors: 24- Medium blue
31.67 € *
25- Blue
Colors: 25- Blue
33.45 € *
26- Light blue
Colors: 26- Light blue
23.67 € *
27- Turquoise blue
Colors: 27- Turquoise blue
25.36 € *
30- Green fir tree
Colors: 30- Green fir tree
25.74 € *
31- Dark green
Colors: 31- Dark green
26.32 € *
32- Reseda green
Colors: 32- Reseda green
26.32 € *
33- Bright green
Colors: 33- Bright green
26.32 € *
35- Green
Colors: 35- Green
24.60 € *
40- Lemon Yellow
Colors: 40- Lemon Yellow
24.03 € *
41- Medium Yellow
Colors: 41- Medium Yellow
24.03 € *
42- Gold Yellow
Colors: 42- Gold Yellow
24.03 € *
50- Light orange
Colors: 50- Light orange
24.57 € *
51- Dark orange
Colors: 51- Dark orange
24.57 € *
55 - Orange
Colors: 55 - Orange
39.36 € *
56- Vermillon
Colors: 56- Vermillon
25.74 € *
60- Bright red
Colors: 60- Bright red
24.10 € *
61- Carmine red
Colors: 61- Carmine red
27.01 € *
65- Red
Colors: 65- Red
39.36 € *
70- Magenta
Colors: 70- Magenta
31.89 € *
75- Pink fucshia
Colors: 75- Pink fucshia
39.36 € *
81- Dark brown
Colors: 81- Dark brown
27.01 € *
80- Brown red
Colors: 80- Brown red
26.32 € *
82- Ochre Yellow
Colors: 82- Ochre Yellow
26.54 € *
91- White
Colors: 91- White
21.98 € *
100- Black
Colors: 100- Black
19.75 € *
110- Silver
Colors: 110- Silver
30.02 € *
120- Gold
Colors: 120- Gold
32.57 € *
130- Yellow flyo
Colors: 130- Yellow flyo
34.22 € *
131- Gold flyo
Colors: 131- Gold flyo
34.22 € *
132- Orange flyo
Colors: 132- Orange flyo
35.29 € *
133- Red flyo
Colors: 133- Red flyo
34.22 € *
134- Pink flyo
Colors: 134- Pink flyo
34.22 € *
135- Green flyo
Colors: 135- Green flyo
34.19 € *
136 - Blue flyo
Colors: 136 - Blue flyo
34.19 € *
140- Yellow for 4 colors process
Colors: 140- Yellow for 4 colors process
26.86 € *
141- Blue for 4 colors process
Colors: 141- Blue for 4 colors process
26.86 € *
142- Magenta for 4 colors process
Colors: 142- Magenta for 4 colors process
28.51 € *
143- Black for 4 colors process
Colors: 143- Black for 4 colors process
26.86 € *
150- Clear base
Colors: 150- Clear base
18.58 € *
HOT Hardener 100 gr.
Colors: HOT Hardener 100 gr.
9.33 € *
138- Glow in tge dark
Colors: 138- Glow in tge dark
130.00 € *
Prices plus VAT, plus delivery


Product Note Status Price
Mini Bucket Scoop Mini Bucket Scoop
Keep your hands clean 6.50 € *
Delivery weight: 100 g
Prices plus VAT, plus delivery
Display accessory details

We also recommend

For a quick cleaning after printing
Cleaner Aquaclean 1 liter
8.04 *
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
Retarder, delay the drying in the screen mesh
Slow reducer 5000
13.75 *
Delivery weight: 1.5 kg
Thin down the ink
Reducer 7000 for TEXIPLUS Ink
15.58 *
Delivery weight: 1 kg
Prices plus VAT, plus delivery

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Prices plus VAT, plus delivery